GIN WESTCOTT is the author of the Unique
Historical Time-Travel Adventure
GIN WESTCOTT is the author of the Unique
Historical Time-Travel Adventure
When four college kids are buried alive and there’s only one way out, don’t ask questions. Just survive.
After barely escaping a torturous series of undiscovered tunnels far beneath the Sierra foothills, Mae and her friends emerge, dehydrated and nearly dead from starvation.
But everything Mae knows and loves is now gone.
Through some bizarre tangle in time, they’ve been reeled back into the past. To a time that, according to Mae—“is constipated with antiquated gender inequality.”
With danger lurking behind every tree and no easy way home, they must begin adapting to their new surroundings before it’s too late. So, when struck with an unexpected opportunity, Mae is faced with the difficult choice of returning to her own time or living out the greatest adventure of her life and carving her own path in history.
Gin Westcott’s debut novel is BOOK ONE in the unique Tangle of Time series that will take you through an exciting, historical, and romantic adventure that you won’t be able to put down.
The first chapter draws in you and makes it almost impossible to put the book down. Readers find by the end of the first two paragraphs that they must know the answers to several questions. Who is she? Why is she is the water and most importantly, what happens next? Thankfully, the second part of the chapter picks up six days earlier.
Tangle of Time by Gin Westcott starts off as a thrilling mystery but this book is more than that. It is also science fiction and fantasy rolled into one. It's not often that a story successfully encompasses several genres but that is what Westcott has done with the novel a Tangle of Time. It's a story that has something for everyone.
Even though the book starts off at a breath-taking pace, it does slow down for several chapters. Readers that love knowing character backstories will appreciate how well Westcott's are developed. After reading about the group's family life and their connection to each other, it's easy to envision yourself in the story.
The writing is descriptive and provokes visual images of the characters and the surroundings. It also accurately depicts the diverse makeup of friends most college students have. In a way, this makes it a modern fantasy story that will have readers of all ages imagining the possibilities if the event's in the book happened to them.
Gin Westcott doesn't make light of the responsibility the characters face. Mae sums it up perfectly when she takes a minute to think about the enormity of their plan. "They were playing God with history and had barely started to make the changes they intended. This power the three of them held was enormous, and the task before them was utterly terrifying."
A Tangle of Time is ultimately a book about friendship. It follows the adventures of Mae, Greg, Toke, and Dexter. Some have been friends for years, while others are just meeting the rest of the group. It doesn't take long for the four to become a tight group. Westcott also made sure to include the fights and struggles that always come when a group of friends are tested. It adds even more realism to the characters, which is not always easy in a time traveling fantasy book.
By the last paragraph the questions you had at the beginning will be answered. This doesn't mean that readers can take a deep breath and relax. There is still a friend to rescue and they need to catch up to him through time. Readers will be left breathlessly awaiting the sequel to a Tangle in Time. This debut book will leave you hooked.
- Entrada Book Review
GIN WESTCOTT is the author of the Historical Adventure/Time-Travel fiction TANGLE OF TIME and is currently writing book two of the series. She comes from a creative world and spent years working in big Los Angeles advertising agencies as an award-winning art director and currently is a designer. Gin has an unlimited imagination bursting with ideas and found writing novels the perfect outlet. She is passionate about human rights, animal cruelty, gender equality, and injustice and finds these core values working their way into her fresh storylines. Having a dry, quirky sense of humor, she spawns unique, compelling characters that weave their way through exciting, yet often unsettling, situations. Gin is the mother of two great kids, two little dogs, and wife of the amazing Scott. When not writing or designing, she's either hiking in the lush mountains of Northern California or voice-acting for toys, commercials and video games.
"Buried alive with one way out. You don't ask questions. You survive."
Four college kids, Mae, Toke, Dexter, and Greg, have the best plan to make money this summer. It's simple, they'll help on a worksite, moving rocks from one place to another. Straightforward, hard labor for a couple of days, then they'll get a good deal of money to help them have a great summer. When an accident happens trapping the four of them underground, they have no choice but to keep moving. There has to be a way out somewhere. Once out, they find themselves in a time not their own. How can four teens survive in the 1800's and how are they ever going to find their way home?
"Far too bizarre to comprehend at the moment, but either way, it was real. Someone was trying to kill him."
Let me just start this by saying my favorite stories growing up were Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Prairie books. I was obsessed with the way people lived back then and all the work they had to do just to survive their day to day lives. Tangle of Time takes place around thirty years before the Little House books, but it had very similar feel, in a more mature way. I quickly fell in love with the characters Westcott created. Mae, a strong female activist, sent back to a time when women were seen as domestic creatures. Toke, a guy who never takes anything seriously and always has a joke ready. Dexter, a smart, thoughtful guy, who tries to make the best of the situation and use what he knows about the future to help. Lastly, Greg, who gets separated from the group early on and has to figure things out all on his own. As you read through the book, you see how these characters change to adapt to their surroundings and learn how to survive in a time that is so different from their own.
"I despise this caged domesticity."
You can tell the time and energy Westcott put into learning about the way people lived in the 1840's. There are scenes describing the hunting, the cooking, the harvest, how they built houses and beds. I would highly recommend this book to those who love historical fiction, or even those who enjoy science fiction. There were many times I found myself laughing at the reactions to the kids trying to explain the future to people who didn't even own a typewriter. At times incredibly fast paced and action packed, yet also slowing down to explain the intricacies of another time. I for one can not wait to see what Westcott will do with the sequel!
Be the first to hear news about the next sequel!
Gin Westcott
Northern California, USA
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